Saturday, January 23, 2010

ATT: hairdressers looking for work?

i have a salon in altona, melbourne Australia and i am looking for a hairdresser to take over as my hairdresser is retiring, excellent money, as all the clients are there so you would be walking into an established business. Can anyone out there help me as there is a desperate shortage of hairdressers. you can contact me at hairdressers looking for work?
Haha, go us melbournians!

Advertise in the age. Or even go down to Box Hill Tafe - they have a whole salon of unemployed/training hair dressers who will need jobs.

(box hill is in east melb. I think)

xATT: hairdressers looking for work?
hey missy. this is yahoo answers not an open marketplace for you to advertise. thats what the classifieds are for...spam and soliciatation.
that sounds great! but i can't afford to move to australia. :( good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I was working now here in Australia since I found this apprentice hairdressing jobs in South Australia that was posted in JobStar website. I think they are hiring everyday for those who wants an overseas jobs.
